• Absconders
    • finding a fugitive who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution.
  • Assets Search
    • An asset investigation (asset search or asset check) is the locating of public records that confirm personal property or real estate held by a person or corporate entity.
  • Company & Personal Profiles
    • Verification of a company profile is an investigation to validate a business, and its products or services. A personal verification is essentially establishing the facts on an individual’s career portfolio. It concisely and effectively authenticates claims regarding who you are, your skills and strengths relevant to the sector, job role and career goals.
  • Counter-Industrial Espionage
    • Secret action taken to prevent an individual or other business from discovering our clients’ industrial secrets or intellectual property.
  • Fraud Theft Surveys
    • where we investigate any fraud or theft that is taking place within your organisation. Fraudulent actions hurt not only consumers but brands, too. Online Survey Scams are used to entice users to click, online survey companies typically rely on clickbait like “Win an Amazon Gift Card” by filling out this survey. While some companies have a legitimate giveaway, fraudsters employ the same tactic. However, their intentions are malicious. Scammers use online surveys to scrape sensitive personal or financial information. They’ll then take that info and use it to commit identity theft or sell the data to a third party. Either way, they’re making money. Meanwhile our clients data has been compromised. To gain users’ trust, fraudsters use different survey scamming tricks which include; impersonating legitimate companies to gather sensitive info, scammers will target individuals with phishing surveys. These surveys can appear as display ads on websites and in social news feeds. Once you click and begin to fill out the survey, you’ll notice the form requires your personal information. A legitimate survey will never ask you for sensitive information.
  • Hidden Trust Funds
    • Searching for the existence of hidden trusts and/or assets on behalf of a client by intelligence gathering.
  • Penetration Testing
    • A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a simulated cyber-attack against our client’s computer system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities.
  • Risk Assessments
    • Are a systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity or undertaking. We Identify hazards, i.e. anything that may cause harm. Decide who may be harmed, and how. Assess the risks and act accordingly. Record the findings. Review the risk assessment.
  • Staff Vetting
    • Employee vetting is a screening process conducted by employers for checking the background and verifying the information of a new hire or applicant.
  • Undercover Agents
    • Undercover work involves secretly obtaining information for the client or the police.